Government Medical College and Hospital (GMCH), Chandigarh produced the medical report of co-accused of Dalit Activist Nodeep Kaur, Shiv Kumar on Wednesday. The report disclosed eight injuries which are believed to be two weeks old.
Punjab and Haryana High Court has adjourned the matter to March 16 and has sought Kumar’s previous medical records.
Punjab and Haryana High Court had directed the Sonipat jail authorities to get Shiv Kumar medically examined after his father Rajbir alleged that his son is being tortured mentally and physically in custody.
A five-member board examined the jailed activist on February 20. The team included doctors from the orthopaedic, psychiatry, general surgery, radio diagnosis, forensic medicine and toxicology departments.
The four page medical report submitted by GMCH stated, “Kumar suffered multiple fractures, torn toe nails and was mentally and physically abused in the police remand.
“Kumar (23) has right foot swelling…swelling and tenderness of left foot…nail beds of right second and third toe are broken and underlying skin is reddish in colour and showing healing changes… left big toe shows blackish discoloration… nails of left thumb and index finger shows bluish black discoloration with tenderness… tenderness over right wrist,” the report said
It further stated, “There is fracture of distal phalanx of the second digit of left hand… fracture of base of 5th metatarsal bone of right foot…possible fracture/ sesamoid bone at left navicular bone… possibly fracture of the right ulna bone (right wrist).”
The report also disclosed that Kumar showed post-traumatic stress disorder-like symptoms and all injuries [on Kumar’s body] are more than two weeks old and were caused by blunt object/weapon.
“He expressed preoccupation with his current situation, reported predominant anxiety symptoms, flashbacks of brutality meted out to him, nightmares, feelings of loneliness, uncertainty about future and sleep disturbances. Appetite is normal. He denies delusions, hallucination, ideas/plans of self-harm. Overall, evaluation is suggestive of post-traumatic stress disorder-like symptoms,” said the psychiatric assessment.
As per the police reports, he was booked on January 24 and then arrested on January 26. While family of the activist alleged that he was arrested on January 16. Mazdoor Adhikar Sangathan President, Shiv Kumar was arrested on January 16 after the four days of Nodeep Kaur’s arrest. Both, Nodeep Kaur and Shiv Kumar were accused of trying to extort factory owners in Kundli and assaulting police personnel.