In a shocking incident of Uttar Pradesh, a 30-year-old woman allegedly eloped with a 15-year-old boy. The boy’s family lodged a complaint against the woman at Campierganj police station. They are still absconding.
The two were found missing from the night fair of Shivratri. The families searched for both of them but could not find them. They finally contacted police on Friday.
The boy’s family has registered an FIR against the woman under Section 363 (Punishment for kidnapping) and Section 365 IPC (Kidnapping or abducting with intent secretly and wrongfully to confine person) of Indian Penal Code.
“A case has been registered against the woman on the complaint of the boy`s family. We are trying to trace them,” said Circle Officer Campierganj, Rahul Bhati.
As per the sources, the woman and boy who is an eighth class student, were in a relationship for one year but no one could suspect because of their age difference.
The woman is a mother of three children. Her husband told that her behaviour towards him was changed but he never expected such a thing to happen.